Thursday, January 30, 2020
Physical Exercise and GPA Essay Example for Free
Physical Exercise and GPA Essay Physical education connotes many different things to people. To some it is a subject area which focuses on physical training. Conventionally, this has meant promoting activities which lead to anatomical and physiological development (Sansone, 2000). The notion of PT and calls to improve the physical condition of our nations youth in order to provide a strong base for the military have also been consistent with this idea (Ennis, 2001). Others have had a more expansive view of physical education and portrayed the area as education through the physical, rather than of the physical (Pringle, 2000). Such a notion suggests that involvement in a variety of sports and games provides participants not only with opportunities to develop physical prowess, but to learn important social values while developing desirable personal traits. A third major thrust that has affected the meaning attributed to the concept is associated with its recreational function (Ruth, 2006). The basis of this theme is that people perform optimally when they have periodic diversions from their normal work world, and that involvement in physical activity can provide necessary relief and renewal. Closely affiliated with this idea is that physical recreation provides a wholesome and constructive use of ones free time (Lee2002). Despite such grandiose themes, Duda (2001) has argued that within the larger context of higher education classes focusing on the acquisition of skilled movements and play are viewed as nonintellectual, nonacademic, nonessential, and nonartistic (p. 433). As a result of such perceptions he believes that physical education is relegated to a peripheral role in the academy, and its practitioners pay a price for its marginal status in their daily lives. Furthermore, Duda suggests that a large part of physical education failing to gain acceptance in higher education is a consequence of the static criteria used to assess academic value in general. According to his analysis value of a curricular offering is typically based on such things as the intellectual challenge of material, the extent to which subject matter is categorized as academic rather than motoric, the usefulness of learning various skills, and the cultural significance of an area of study. His recommendation for redressing physical educations plight is to convince those using such criteria to assess worth in broader, and less dualistic ways. Hence the types of challenges presented in physical skill acquisition situations might be understood as important stimuli for developing human capacities that complement those capacities acquired from more conventional intellectual pursuits. While the idea of rethinking criteria that should be used for judging academic value may be laudable, how this might come about is difficult to conceive. An alternative and, yet, much simpler approach for improving the viability of physical education classes in higher education is to improve the quality of student outcomes. In essence, it may be that the inclusion of physical education in higher education is not contested on philosophical grounds, but on operational ones. As Duda (2001) conveys performance classes are elective, not required. Skill instructors are rarely hired as tenure track faculty. Credit toward graduation may not be given for such classes, and grading is often pass/fail. Passing marks are virtually assured with a good attendance record (p. 437). If such a profile is accurate, it is difficult to understand how student achievement can be significant or the entire enterprise viewed as essential to the general curriculum. Indeed, such a profile connotes that the physical education curriculum is soft, and that whether or not students acquire certain information and/or master specific skills is ambiguous. Considering physical educations past philosophical themes and its current trends of providing opportunities for students to: (a) recreate, (b) build and maintain health through exercise, (c) learn how to compete and cooperate, and (d) develop specific sport skills and levels of fitness, instructors often have difficulty in identifying and utilizing meaningful grading criteria. This has been attributed to both philosophical (Midgley, 2001) and managerial (Pringle, 2000) concerns. Indeed, as observed by Church (2001) many physical educators compute grades based on student behaviours which are unrelated to performance or knowledge objectives, such as dress, participation, and discipline. Interestingly, Ennis (2001) found that in colleges and universities virtually all grading in physical education is left to the discretion of the instructor, including selection of criteria and instruments to be used to assess student achievement. They also reported a trend toward less testing of all types. Consequently, it is not surprising that with so many ideas about what is to be accomplished, and so little control over how this should be done, it is difficult, if not impossible to determine the value of physical activity courses in the general curriculum. Indeed, it is one thing to provide sound philosophical arguments for why a particular discipline belongs in the curriculum, and quite another to operationalize the philosophy so that its essence is actualized. Recent studies suggest the importance of objective assessment not only as a device to promote the legitimacy of physical education in an academic setting, but as a tool to promote learning. For example, Pringle (2000) showed that student achievement in table tennis classes reflected the focus of evaluation. Students graded totally on physical skills performed most skilfully at the end of a class performed most skilfully, while those graded on attendance and participation had lower performance scores but the highest attendance rates. As well, Lee (2002), demonstrated how the proper use of evaluation and grading tools promotes on task behaviour and superior skill development in volleyball. Chen (2001), using a riflery task, also demonstrated that grading based on task competence was superior to grading based merely on participation when skill development was examined. Hidi (2000) further argues that the appropriate use of grading can promote positive attitudes towards a course, develop a students sense of confidence, and lead to substantial achievement. The reason why a rift exists between using grading as an integral part of the learning process, and using it only to fulfil administrative requirements seemingly is a complex problem that involves philosophical, technical, and practical issues (Duda, 2001). Yet, in a time when accountability is expected, and when cost cutting is widespread, empirical evidence for the integrity of a program is imperative. What and how we grade conveys a great deal about who we are, what we do, what we can accomplish, how we are viewed by others outside of our field, and whether physical education is considered as essential to the mission of education. Hence, the purpose of the present investigation was to acquire empirical descriptive data about grading of physical education in higher education. In light of our fields history of divergent philosophical views, ambitious, and often ambiguous goals, and its defensive position in higher education (Duda, 2001), an examination of what and how we grade would seemingly shed light on where we are as a discipline. Furthermore, such an investigation might help identify important issues that need to be addressed and resolved if we are to gain the degree of acceptance the field has so desperately sought over the years. Method Instrument To acquire information about college physical education programs a questionnaire was developed which, in addition to requesting information about an institutions profile (e. g. , public-private, size, approximate percentage of students enrolled in physical education, etc. , asked a series of questions about its physical education activity program. These included: (a) whether students received academic credit which counted in a students GPA, (b) the number and duration of class meetings, (c) how important various factors such as skill development, effort, and attendance were in computing a grade, (d) whether the department had a policy on grading, (e) the approximate percentage breakdown of grades awarded (e. g. , As, Bs, Cs, etc. ), and (f) whether the issue of grading had been considered by the department in the past five years. Prior to mailing the survey, questions were pilot tested on a group of five senior collegiate faculty members in a department of exercise and sport studies. These individuals each had taught undergraduate and graduate theory courses as well as a variety of undergraduate physical activity classes at a number of colleges and universities. They were quite knowledgeable about different types of service programs (e. g. , credit, required, no credit non-required) and how they typically operated. Furthermore, they were apprised of the questionnaires intent, and were asked to provide feedback on the clarity of questions as well as the instruments overall format. Based on feedback from this group, questions were reworded, added and deleted. In addition, the sequence of questions was revised for the purpose of providing a more coherent structure. The final version of the survey contained eight questions, some of which had subparts. As well, pilot testing demonstrated that a respondent could complete the questionnaire in approximately ten minutes. Coding of Data As surveys were returned data were coded into an Excel Spreadsheet by two trained assistants, and then analyzed using Exels statistical functions. It is noteworthy to report that during the data reduction process it became evident, as conveyed by a number of respondents, that quantitative data which were requested from a number of questions did not exist Consequently, many respondents either did not answer such items or acknowledged that they merely volunteered their own perceived best guess, or a numerical range within which they believed the actual value requested would occur. Hence, a decision was made to code and analyze all data acknowledging that, for the most part, they only reflect respondents best estimates, rather than hard numbers. Furthermore, where a range was given, the midpoint was used in further analyses. In passing, the observation that certain types of data were not acquired or readily available may in itself be an important finding since a departments viability may depend on such information. Items falling into this category included such things as: (a) the number of students taking physical education classes in a semester, (b) the typical grade distribution (e. g. , % As, % Bs, etc. ), (c) the factors utilized to compute course grades, and (d) whether an institutional limit existed for the number of physical education courses that could be taken by a student for academic credit. Results Sample Within a thirty day period of mailing surveys 556 (44%) responses were received. Table 1 shows a break down of respondents by institution type and size. Because of financial limitations, further attempts to obtain data from nonrespondents were not attempted. Of the 556 respondents, 78 (14%) indicated that they did not have, or no longer had a physical education activity program. This was somewhat of a surprising finding, especially so because many conveyed that their institutions program had been recently eliminated. Whether a trend toward program elimination actually existed is of significant import to our profession and deserves immediate attention. Schools which indicated that they did not offer physical education classes were removed from further analysis, leaving 478 institutions in the database. Is Academic Credit Given for Physical Education Activity Courses? An important question posed by this investigator was whether institutions grant academic credit which counts in a students GPA for taking physical education activity courses. Presumably, this would indicate whether classes were viewed as a meaningful part of the institutions general curriculum. It was found that 335 (72. %) of respondents reported that academic credit which is computed in a students GPA was awarded for physical education activity courses. Table 2 reveals that Public State Universities and Colleges were somewhat more likely to award academic credit than Private Universities and Colleges. Furthermore, while a few institutions had a unique formula for computing the amount of credit earned in a class, nearly all institutions granted one credit per course. A follow-up question probed how much of such credit may be counted in a students total academic program. Although there seemed to be a great deal of uncertainty regarding the answer to this question, many respondents indicated that their institution had not set a limit or did not have a policy (only 65% of respondents who count physical education credit in the GPA responded). Those that were clear on this issue indicated that a limit did exist, and that the median value across institutions and within school categories was four credits. A subsequent question probed what the course time commitment was for earning credit. Across institutional types classes typically met for the length of a semester (14-15weeks), and for two contact hours a week. How are Grades Computed? A number of questions regarding how grades were computed followed. An initial issue was whether or not the department had a policy on grading. The idea here was to get a sense of whether faculty members agreed on how such things as skill, knowledge, and class participation should be weighed in determining a students performance. In regard to this question, 80% of respondents indicated that their departments did not have a formal grading policy. Nonetheless, many individuals conveyed that students were administered tests of skill and knowledge, but that course instructors ultimately determined assessment tools, how various components were weighed, and the course grade computed. Because most departments did not have a formal grading policy, the next set of questions should be interpreted as only giving a general sense of how grades are computed from a respondents general perceptions. This question probed whether grades were competency based (i. e. students are assessed on the absolute level of performance attained), or norm based (i. e. , students are graded in relation to other students in the class). Results showed that most respondents (60. 6%) thought that grading at their institution was competency based, although a fair number reported that they thought their grading system was more norm based (23. 3%). The remaining 16. 1% either were unsure or did not respond to this item. Another question related to this issue was wh ether the amount learned was considered to be as important as the level of performance attained. Interestingly, 72% of respondents believed that instructors at their institutions weighed the amount learned as being equivalent to the proficiency attained, while 21% did not see these of equal importance. The remaining 7% were missing or undecided. In light of the previous data indicating a bias toward competency based grading, the response to this question is surprising since the amount learned would only be of importance if it correlated highly with proficiency attained. This may or may not be the case, but needs further investigation. Another way of probing the importance of factors employed in computing a grade was to ask respondents about how important they believed a subset of factors were in arriving at a grade. They rated the factors of (a) effort, (b) attendance, (c) attitude, (d) amount learned and (e) level of performance on a five-point scale anchored by the terms very important(5). Overall, attendance (1. 3) and amount learned (1. 4) had the lowest median values (i. e. , highest perceived weighting). The level of performance attained (1. ), and effort expended (1. 8) followed closely, while attitude (2. 3) appeared lowest in importance. It should be noted that all of these criteria tended to fall between the very important and uncertain end of the continuum. With the exception of performance attainment, it is not clear why the other factors identified were viewed as important in grading, if grading is competency based. For that matter, these criteria would also be somewhat problematic for a norm referenc ed standard which focuses on relative competency attainments. Respondents were also asked to estimate the percentage distribution of grades in physical education at their institution. Overall, as were perceived to be the most prevalent grade and were awarded to 51% of students. Bs were the next most prevalent grade awarded to 31% of students with Cs following at 14%. Ds and Fs were infrequently given with a combined percentage of 7%. Has the Issue of Grading been Considered in the Past Five Years? A final question asked whether the issue of grading had been considered by a department in the past five years. Although 51% had not discussed this issue, 47% had done so. The questionnaire requested respondents who answered this question in the affirmative to comment on what issues were discussed by their departments. Clearly, the topic of whether to change from a letter grade system to a pass-fail system was the most widely discussed issue. Related to this was the subject of grade inflation and the idea that moving to a pass-fail system may reduce pressure from various constituencies (e. g. , administrators, faculty, regents) to reduce the number of high grades awarded. There were also numerous comments about criteria to be used in grading, consistency in grading across sections of a course, and among different courses. Several respondents also commented on the conflict between trying to encourage lifelong participation m activities and the negative connotations of having to grade based on an individuals proficiency. From the nature and number of comments collated, it was evident that departments have grappled with this issue, but remain in a quandary about an ideal solution.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Occupational Stress and Health Essay example -- Business Management St
Occupational Stress and Health Introduction In recent years, occupational stress and health have gained considerable importance to people in all forms life. Keeping in mind, the excessive work load, amount of time spent at work and the recent changes that are affecting the nature of work, it is not surprising that work stress today is increasing (Szymanski, 1999). Stress can be caused due to a number of reasons and in many ways and those things are known as stressors which may vary from person to person. According to the United States National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (1999), job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. It can also lead to poor health and even injury. People should be made more aware about the symptoms of stress and try to precautionary measures before it affect their lives. Stress at work can affect people both mentally and physically. Excessively high levels of stress need to be controlled in order to avoid these health related problems. A number of things can be done by employees and employers to prevent workplace stress. Also, there are a number of stress management techniques that can be used by people to ensure that they lead a stress free life. Job related stressors should be identified and dealt with so that an organisation and its employees can operate efficiently and effectively. Identifying stressors at work The list of potential stressors is limitless. There may be times when these are actually of use to us, creating simply a pressure s... ...herwise, when unplanned things happen, itââ¬â¢ll cause you just as much stress as trying to work without a plan. References & Bibliography International labour organisation ââ¬â safe work program Kendall, E., Murphee, P., Oââ¬â¢Neill, V. & Bursnall, S. (2000). A report to the workersââ¬â¢ compensation and rehabilitation commission (Western Australia).Occupational Stress: Factors that contribute to its occurrence and effective management. Centre for Human services (Griffith University). National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Szymanski, E. M. (1999). Disability, job stress, the changing nature of careers, and the career resilience portfolio. Rehabilitation Counselling Bulletin. 42, pp 279-284.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Teh Hong Piow Leadership
Section C Public Bank 1a) Portfolio Performance Holding Period Return HPR =Ending Price-Beginning PriceBeginning Price+Cash Dividend ? 100% =RM15. 50-RM 15. 32RM 15. 32+0 ? 100% =1. 17% b) Market Performance Market Performance MP =Ending Index-Beginning IndexBeginning Index? 100% =1669. 40-1654. 041654. 04? 100% =0. 927% Axiata Group 1a) Portfolio Performance Holding Period Return HPR =Ending Price-Beginning PriceBeginning Price+Cash Dividend ? 100% =RM6. 00-RM 5. 83RM 5. 83+0 ? 100% =2. 92% b) Market Performance Market Performance MP =Ending Index-Beginning IndexBeginning Index? 100% =1669. 0-1654. 041654. 04? 100% =0. 927% Nestle (M) Bhd 1a) Portfolio Performance Holding Period Return HPR =Ending Price-Beginning PriceBeginning Price+Cash Dividend ? 100% =RM63. 10-RM 59. 00RM 59. 00+0 ? 100% =6. 95% b) Market Performance Market Performance MP =Ending Index-Beginning IndexBeginning Index? 100% =1669. 40-1654. 041654. 04? 100% =0. 927% Section D Public Bank a) The portfolio performanc e of Public Bank is better as compared to the market performance. The HPR of Pubic Bank is higher than the marker performance, which is 1. 17% as compared to market performance which is only 0. 927%. b) ) Public Bank is a well reputed and well-known company for its prudent management, excellence services, strong profitability, strong corporate culture and corporate governance. It is currently a leading provider of financial services in Malaysia. It also provides bank operations in Hong Kong, Combodia, Vietnam, Laos and Sri Lanka. Public Bank had performed well in the market share in year 2011. The overall ratio in the market share in year 2011 is higher than the year 2010. According to the sustainability profit growth of Public bank, it has stronger performance in year 2011 than in year 2010.Moreover, the net income of Public Bank Group had increased by 8. 3% from RM6,838. 5 million in 2010 to RM7,408. 6 million in 2011. In addition, it has a steady asset growth from year 2010 to 20 11. Its financial report encouraged us to invest in the company as it has a steady growth and lower risk. During the subsequent to the financial year end, which is on 30th January 2012, directors of Public Bank had declared a second interim single tier dividend of 28%, with the amount of RM980,596,036 in the current year. According to the key statistic of Public Bank in dividend growth, it grown 0. 3% in 5 years. It gives confidence to us for investing in this company for its stable growth in the economic. Source: Annual Report (2011). Public Bank. Retrieved from http://announcements. bursamalaysia. com/EDMS/subweb. nsf/7f04516f8098680348256c6f0017a6bf/bd33262bdcaa8fc1482579ad00116c90/$FILE/PBBANK-FinancialStatements%20(971MB). pdf Source: Annual Report (2011). Public Bank. Retrieved from http://announcements. bursamalaysia. com/EDMS/subweb. nsf/7f04516f8098680348256c6f0017a6bf/bd33262bdcaa8fc1482579ad00116c90/$FILE/PBBANK-FinancialStatements%20(971MB). pdf Source: The Star Online ( 2013).Public Bank Bhd. Retrieved on 8th January 2013 from http://biz. thestar. com. my/marketwatch/charts/l. asp? code=1295~PBBANK&p1=16. 18&p2=16. 16&p3=16. 22&p4=16. 1&p5=16. 18&p6=0&p7=0. 00&p8=46667&p9=14. 545 Axiata Group a) The portfolio performance of Axiata Group is relatively in good performance as compared to the market performance. The HPR of Axiata Group is 2. 92%, which is higher than the Market Performance of only 0. 927%. b) c) Axiata Group Berhad is an investment holding company which provides communication and consultancy services.It offers mobile telecommunication, interconnect, television transmission and other services. It also dealing of marketable securities, trading and distribution of communication devices and its related products. According to the details, it was founded in 1992 and as on 23rd May 2012, the company has approximately 190 million mobile subscribers in Asia. According to the financial results of Axiata Group Bhd in the last four years, which is from year 2007 to 2011, the revenue of the company grew to the tune of 60%. Their profits almost doubled for these four years.The company had a very good performance which attracted us to invest in the company. On the other hand, the cash position of the company had increased from RM6. 3 billion to RM6. 6 billion and the ROIC improved from 11. 8% to 12. 2%. Moreover, the diversification of the company grown with further progress with 56% of revenue generated outside of the Malaysia. According to the Axiata Group Bhd annual report 2011, the Groupââ¬â¢s total subscriber base expanded to around 200 million, increase 25% from a year ago and growing an average of 3. 3 million per month.These made the Group one of the largest telecommunications companies in the region. The Group shows a positive data trends and performance throughout the countries in Malaysia and overseas. This gives us greater confidence in investing in the company, which given us lower risk to invest. According to t he performance highlight in the past four year of the Group, which is from 2008 to 2011, the graph relatively shows increasing in the operating revenue, EBITDA, PAT, NORMALISED PATAMI, POIC and SUBSCRIBERS. It shows that the company has reater performance in year 2011, and we believe that the company will show strong performance in year 2012, and hence, we decided to invest in the company. Source: Annual Report(2011). Axiata Group Bhd. Retrieved on 8th January 2013 from http://axiata. listedcompany. com/misc/ar2011. pdf Nestle (M) Bhd a) The Portfolio Performance of Nestle (M) Bhd is performing well as compared to the Market Performance. The HPR of the Nestle (M) Bhd is 6. 95%, as compared to the Market Performance of only 0. 927%. It is relatively having high performance in the market. b) ) Nestle Malaysia Bhd is a leading Food, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company in the region. It grown to be the worldââ¬â¢s largest good company which offering more than 8,500 brands and 10,0 00 products. It also has more than 456 factories over 80 countries and more than 283,000 employees. Nestle Malaysia Bhd has encountered turnover of RM1. 16 billion in Quarter 1 in 2012, which is 8. 5% higher than the previous corresponding period. In the first quarter of 2012, Nestle Malaysia Bhd had good growth performance in both domestic and export sales. It also has increased profit before tax of RM206. million and profit after tax of RM158. 1 million which grew by 8. 2% and 7. 4% respectively compared to the previous period. Moreover, despite exports its products across the globes; the Group has successfully exports more than half of its products to ASEAN region. The stable performance of the company attracted us to invest in the company although the price is high. In addition, the company also introduced new products to the market, which these products will directly affect the strong demand of the domestic and hence affect the economic performance of the company.Moreover, the sustained economic growth of overseas countries, encouraged the performance of export sales, and increased the sales of 18% to inter-market customers. It is relatively a trusted brand to the Malaysian, where it is well-known of its healthy nutrition drinks. On the other hand, Nestle (M) Bhd also launched the Nestle Project Rilead in October 2011, where it aims to create a landscape for people, nature and agriculture can co-exist harmoniously in their need for water. This project will give an initiative of seeing the reforestation of the land. This relatively giving us good image on the
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Symbolism of Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay
The Symbolism of ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s short story, ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brown,â⬠shows the reader the authorââ¬â¢s power as a symbolist. Frederick C. Crews in ââ¬Å"The Logic of Compulsion in ââ¬ËRoger Malvinââ¬â¢s Burialââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ explores the symbology that prevails in Hawthorneââ¬â¢s best short stories: . . . I chose this one tale to analyze because it illustrates the indispensability, and I should even say the priority, of understanding the literal psychological dramas in Hawthorneââ¬â¢s fiction. Like all of his best tales, this one is packed with symbolic suggestions and invite a moralistic reading. . . . (111). Peter Conn in ââ¬Å"Finding a Voice in an New Nationâ⬠states his evaluation of Hawthorne as aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Commenting on the rich symbolism of Hawthorneââ¬â¢s tales or short stories, Edmund Fuller and B. Jo Kinnick in ââ¬Å"Stories Derived from New England Livingâ⬠state: ââ¬Å"Hawthorneââ¬â¢s unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots of manââ¬â¢s moral natureâ⬠(31). Stanley T. Williams in ââ¬Å"Hawthorneââ¬â¢s Puritan Mindâ⬠says that the author was forever ââ¬Å"perfecting his delicate craft of the symbol, of allegory, of the few themes and oft repeated character-types which were to haunt forever the minds of those who know New Englandâ⬠(42). Let us begin with the opening lines of the story: ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset, into the street of Salem village. . .â⬠What is Goodman Brown symbolic of? 1. According to Levy, he ââ¬Å"is Everyman. The bargain he has struck with Satan is the universal one . . . . Initially, he is a naive and immature young man who fails to understand the gravity of the step he has taken . . . [which is] succeeded by a presumably adult determination to resist his own evil impulsesâ⬠(117). 2. Fogle writes that he is ââ¬Å"a naive young man who accepts both society in general and his fellow men as individuals at their own valuation, [who] is in one terrible night confronted with the vision of human evil . . . â⬠(15). 3. Q. D. Leavis in ââ¬Å"Hawthorne as Poetâ⬠states that ââ¬Å"the relevant point is that Young Goodman Brown is Everyman in seventeenth century New Englandâ⬠(35). And what is SalemShow MoreRelated Symbolism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay2380 Words à |à 10 PagesSymbolism in Young Goodman Brownà à à à à à à à à à à à à Edmund Fuller and B. Jo Kinnick in ââ¬Å"Stories Derived from New England Livingâ⬠state: ââ¬Å"Hawthorneââ¬â¢s unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots of manââ¬â¢s moral natureâ⬠(31). It is the purpose of this essay to explore the main symbolism contained within Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s tale, ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brown.â⬠à Stanley T. Williams in ââ¬Å"Hawthorneââ¬â¢s Puritan Mindâ⬠states that the author was forever ââ¬Å"perfectingRead MoreAmbiguity And Symbolism In Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown1952 Words à |à 8 Pagespeople. The short story called Young Goodman Brown is a good example of how people are trapped in this war and gives a somewhat description of what it could be like in a losing fight against evil. The message of the story is that everyone has a dark nature in them somewhere, whether it can be triggered by something traumatic, or by their surroundings as they grew up to adulthood from only knowing that. The premise of the story is mostly about how Goodman Brown leaves Salem village to undergoRead MoreAllegory And Symbolism In Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown728 Words à |à 3 PagesIt is hard to read beyond the third paragraph of ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠without finding allegory and symbolism. The opening seems realistic--Goodman Brown, a young Puritan, leaves his home in colonial Salem to take an overnight trip-- but his wifes name, ââ¬Å"Faith,â⬠immediately suggests a symbolic reading. Before long, Brownââ¬â¢s walk into the dream-like forest seems like an allegorical trip into evil. The idea that Hawthorne shows by this trip is that people are attracted to sin through temptation whichRead MoreSymbolism in Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay468 Words à |à 2 PagesSymbolism in Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown is full of symbolism throughout the story. Perhaps the most interesting examples of symbolism include the title character, Young Goodman Brown, as well as his wife, Faith, and the woods that Young Goodman Brown enters on his journey. Included are many allusions to Christianity and also to evil and sin. These references are expressed mainly through characters and settings in the story. TheRead More Symbolism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay examples2488 Words à |à 10 Pagesà à à Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s tale, ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brown,â⬠is rich in symbolism, as this essay will amply illustrate. Hugo McPherson in ââ¬Å"Hawthorneââ¬â¢s Use of Mythologyâ⬠explains how the authorââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"inner dramaâ⬠may be expressed in his symbolism: The imaginative foundation of a writerââ¬â¢s work may well be an inner drama or ââ¬Ëhidden lifeââ¬â¢ in which his deepest interests and conflicts are transformed into images or characters; and through the symbolic play of these creations, he comes to ââ¬Ëknowââ¬â¢ the meaningRead MoreAllegory and Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠1203 Words à |à 5 PagesNathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠is an excellent example of the use of allegories and symbolism as a form of satire on Puritan faith. According to Frank Preston Stearns, author of The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne, ââ¬Å"Hawthorne may have intended this story as an exposure of the inconsistency, and consequent hypocrisy, of Puritanismâ⬠(Stearns 181). Throughout the story of ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brown,â⬠Hawthorne tries to infuse as many symbols and allegories as he can to enhance the overallRead More Symbolism in Nathaniel H awthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay1278 Words à |à 6 PagesSymbolism in Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown à à à à à Nathaniel Hawthorne utilizes symbolism throughout his short story Young Goodman Brown to impact and clarify the theme of good people sometimes doing bad things. Hawthorne uses a variety of light and dark imagery, names, and people to illustrate irony and different translations. Young Goodman Brown is a story about a man who comes to terms with the reality that people are imperfect and flawed and then dies a bitter death from the enlightenmentRead More Symbolism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay example2781 Words à |à 12 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown the use of symbols contributes to the development of the storys plot. Symbolism is used as a means to uncover the truth about the characters. The author, in an attempt to manifest the moral aspects of his society, uses many kinds of symbols to support his points. When analyzing an allegory like Young Goodman Brown, the reader must realize that the story is in its entirety, a symbol. Hawthorne, through his writing is trying to convey the contradictingRead MoreSymbolism and Allegory in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay2297 Words à |à 10 Pages à à The main characters in Hawthornes story Young Goodman Brown are Goodman Brown, his wife Faith and the stranger who accompanies Goodman Brown in the forest. At the beginning of the story Brown is bidding his wife, Faith farewell at their front door. Taking a lonely route into the forest, he meets an older man who bears a fatherly resemblance to both Brown and the Devil. Later that night Brown discovers to his amazement, that many exemplary villagers are on the same path including, GoodyRead More Essay on Symbols, Symbolism, and Allegory in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown726 Words à |à 3 PagesSymbols, Symbolism, and Allegory in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Symbolism is a literary technique that is used to clarify the authors intent. Sometimes it is used to great effect, while other times it only seems to muddle the meaning of a passage. In Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses objects and people as symbols to allegorically reveal his message to the reader. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses different people as symbols throughout Young Goodman Brown. The largest symbolic
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